Firm liquidation
Do you no longer want to do business and do not know what to do with your company? Liquidate it. The process of liquidation from the liquidation decision to the deletion of the company from the Commercial Register is as follows:
1. Preparation of extraordinary financial statements
- Its necessary that the company's assets must exceed its liabilities, in order to liquidate the company.
2. Conduct of the General Meeting
- At which it is decided to dissolve the company in liquidation and a liquidator is appointed.
- Before registering the liquidator in the Commercial Register, the company is obliged to deposit an advance payment for liquidation in the amount of € 1,500 in notarial custody.
3. Entry of the company's entry into liquidation in the Commercial Register.
- Based on the application for registration.
- The liquidator will then publish a notice in the business journal, which contains a notice of the company's entry into liquidation as well as a call for the registration of creditors' claims.
4. Notification of the company's entry into liquidation to the institutions
- Tax office
- Social insurance company
- Health insurance company
5. Preparation of a list of registered receivables and basic assets of the company
- and their filing in the collection of documents within 30 days from date of issue.
6. Preparation of extraordinary financial statements for the day preceding the day of entry into liquidation
- It is necessary to continue to keep accounts throughout the liquidation process.
7. Satisfaction of receivables
- These are satisfied from the company's assets, which are monetized in the liquidation process.
8. Preparation of extraordinary financial statements as of the date of completion of liquidation
- However, not earlier than six months after the notification of the company's entry into liquidation, for the period from the date of entry into liquidation until its termination.
9. Convening the General Meeting in order to approve:
- Extraordinary financial statements
- Final report of the liquidator
- Proposal for the distribution of the liquidation balance
10. Deletion of a company from the Commercial Register
- Based on a proposal to delete the company.
Successful processes
About us
I've been working with Mr. Lukas and the Professio staff since 2018 and they exceeded my expectations. With professional advice and excepional attention they gave me the confidence and trust I needed for me and my company to succeed.
Tiago RodriguesI entrusted Lukáš Kocún, branch office in Bratislava, with a delicate and difficult task. Step by step he helped me with great professionalism, always helpfully and politely. He found all the legal steps to complete the task as soon as possible. I definitely recommend him as an expert.
Bruno Vaccari Danubiana Investment s.r.o.So službami spoločnosti PROFESSIO, s.r.o. sme boli viac než spokojný, po priateľskom telefonáte nasledovalo príjemné osobné privítanie v príjemnom prostredí kancelárie firmy, počas spolupráce profesionálny prístup, ako aj pri vybavovaní zadanej veci, tak pri doplňujúcich otázkach, ktoré s pôvodnou problematikou nesúviseli, sme sa dočkali promptných vyčerpávajúcich odpovedí. Od úvodného telefonátu až po uzavretie veci to bolo veľmi ústretové, profesionálne, stopercentné. Ďakujem,
Ing. Peter NemogaSpoločnosť PROFESSIO, s.r.o. mi ako likvidátorovi radila ako postupovať s likvidáciou mojej s.r.o. Zabezpečovala pre mňa aj administratívne úkony spojené s likvidáciou a to s maximálnou profesionalitou. Plne som sa na jej služby spoľahol a s jej prácou a výkonom som veľmi spokojný. Zabezpečili, že moja spoločnosť bola vymazaná z obchodného registra za rekordných 6 mesiacov.
Ing. Patrik Závojna ADIPSIA s.r.o. v likvidácii