Company formation
Do you want to start a new business? Do you want to open a new company, but just don’t know how? Or you need advice and find out what the options are and what to look out for when setting up a company? Contact our professional team. Do not bother studying the relevant laws, visiting the offices, administration and bureaucracy - prepare for your business, while we will set up a company for you.We will not provide you with an online service, we do not use templates like most of the competition, we will not send you documents after entering your data in the online form. Before the proces of founding a company, we want to hear as much as possible from you so that we can advise you and set up the company the best way, so that you have no problem in the future.
Joint stock company
Limited liability company
Limited partnership
Public company
Successful processes
About us
I've been working with Mr. Lukas and the Professio staff since 2018 and they exceeded my expectations. With professional advice and excepional attention they gave me the confidence and trust I needed for me and my company to succeed.
Tiago RodriguesI entrusted Lukáš Kocún, branch office in Bratislava, with a delicate and difficult task. Step by step he helped me with great professionalism, always helpfully and politely. He found all the legal steps to complete the task as soon as possible. I definitely recommend him as an expert.
Bruno Vaccari Danubiana Investment s.r.o.So službami spoločnosti PROFESSIO, s.r.o. sme boli viac než spokojný, po priateľskom telefonáte nasledovalo príjemné osobné privítanie v príjemnom prostredí kancelárie firmy, počas spolupráce profesionálny prístup, ako aj pri vybavovaní zadanej veci, tak pri doplňujúcich otázkach, ktoré s pôvodnou problematikou nesúviseli, sme sa dočkali promptných vyčerpávajúcich odpovedí. Od úvodného telefonátu až po uzavretie veci to bolo veľmi ústretové, profesionálne, stopercentné. Ďakujem,
Ing. Peter NemogaSpoločnosť PROFESSIO, s.r.o. mi ako likvidátorovi radila ako postupovať s likvidáciou mojej s.r.o. Zabezpečovala pre mňa aj administratívne úkony spojené s likvidáciou a to s maximálnou profesionalitou. Plne som sa na jej služby spoľahol a s jej prácou a výkonom som veľmi spokojný. Zabezpečili, že moja spoločnosť bola vymazaná z obchodného registra za rekordných 6 mesiacov.
Ing. Patrik Závojna ADIPSIA s.r.o. v likvidácii